The BEHT service are part of the neurodevelopmental pathway for those aged 0 – 18 years. If you are concerned about a child or young person’s behaviour, or about their emotional or mental health needs there is help and support available.
You can phone BEHT on 0115 876 1716 if you need support or advice. You can also email them on
This support is provided as part of the Nottingham City pathway for children and young people with behavioural, emotional or mental health needs. The pathway is for children and young people who:
- Present with concerns about their behaviour, emotional wellbeing or mental health
- Present with concerns about possible ASD or ADHD
- Are registered with a NHS Nottingham City GP
- Are aged 0 to 18 (the pathway extends up to the age of 24 where the young person has an Education, Health and Care Plan – EHCP).
If you wish to refer your child to the service, you will need to read the referral guidance before completing the referral form. The referral form will need sending to BEHT via post or email. Please see their website which contains more information, as well as the guidance form and referral form for you to download – LINK TO BEHT SELF-REFERRAL