The Fairfields Practice


Podiatry Service

This service is for:

All ages

Patients registered at a GP practice in Nottingham City.

People with complications associated with long-term conditions such as diabetes, vascular disease, neuropathy, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.

Multiple and complex podiatric needs including wound management and tissue viability

Nail surgery – these do not need to be referred to Podiatric surgery

Biomechanical problems e.g., gait/postural problems

Acute foot and ankle problems and conditions

Foot complications associated with diabetes needing referral to secondary care foot clinics




Fungal Nails

Simple/social nail care

Corns/calluses (if no other medical conditions)

Diabetic foot ulceration – please contact your GP immediately in this instance.


Contact details:

01623 404615

Community Podiatry Single Point of Access

Mansfield Community Hospital

Stockwell Gate


NG18 5QJ


PLEASE NOTE that the podiatry service will not accept referrals over the phone. They will only accept referrals received on the referral form either via email or post. You can either attend the surgery to collect a form or ask the Podiatry service directly for a copy.

Date published: 20th March 2023
Date last updated: 21st March 2023